Tuesday, April 18, 2017

See What MTM Can Do For Your Smile

IF YOU WANTED TO STRAIGHTEN your teeth back in the day, you really only had one option–traditional metal braces. Nowadays, our patients have a variety of different options when it comes to how they would like to have their teeth straightened and what is most convenient for them. At our office, we offer MTM® Clear Aligners! 

MTM® Treatment Provides Many Benefits

Not everyone is a good candidate for MTM, but if you are, it may be a great option to achieve your dream smile!
As the name implies, MTM trays are nearly invisible, allowing you to go throughout your daily activities with most people being unaware that you are undergoing orthodontic treatment! The aligners are custom-made for you, ensuring a perfect, comfortable fit.
Of course one of the best perks of choosing MTM is being able to eat whatever you want! Because you can take your aligners off while eating and drinking, you don’t have to worry about staying away from the foods that you love. MTM trays also don’t affect your oral hygiene routine like traditional braces do. You can brush and floss as you normally would!
You also won’t have to worry about getting used to metal brackets that may cut into your cheeks and lips at the beginning of treatment or during sporting events. With clear aligners, you don’t have to sacrifice comfort to get the smile you’ve always wanted.
As an MTM patient, you’ll generally have less office visits than those with traditional braces. So if you have a busy schedule but still want to improve your smile, clear aligners might be just the thing for you!
Watch the video below to hear the patients' perspective of MTM.

Talk To Us About MTM®

We want your treatment to reflect your unique smile, lifestyle and personality. Call us today to discuss any questions you might have about MTM! At our practice, we believe your smile deserves the very best.

Thank you for choosing our practice. We absolutely love our patients!

Dr. Andrew Bruening & Dr. Carissa Bruening are
 General & Family Dentists located in Chesterfield, Missouri.
636-532-3311 | admin@chdental.net

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